
Keep it clean while it's clean! COMFORTABLE LIFE CATALOG VOL.24

FEATURES OF M&M COATING Protects against bacteria, viruses, and mold! The SIAA mark is a "self-certification mark" that indicates compliance with the strict quality and testing standards set by the Antimicrobial Products Technical Council's guidelines under selfresponsibility, and it also indicates that information related to quality and safety is publicly available. The SIAA mark can only be used by SIAA members, and its usage and display methods are strictly monitored by the council's self-management. All the coating agents we use have obtained the SIAA mark. Certified to international quality assurance standard ISO9001! We have obtained ISO9001:2015 certification for our floor coating construction quality technology and international quality assurance standard. Additionally, as a developer and manufacturer of house coating agents, we have also obtained ISO9001:2015 certification for the development and sales of house coating agents. We are committed to providing safe, high-quality coating agents that are compatible with the ever-evolving building materials, using high technology to ensure product delivery. 1 It is difficult to easily verify the safety and performance of coating agents in everyday life, and many customers rely on information from the internet and explanations from company representatives, which can leave them with uncertainties. However, we explain to our customers based on the safety and performance evaluation results from third-party organizations, ensuring that even first-time users of house coating can use it with confidence. All evaluation certificates and test reports from thirdparty organizations are fully disclosed, providing peace of mind for new customers as well. Proven safety and performance evaluation by third-party organizations! Japan Paint Inspection Association ・Floor coating application ・Development and sales of house coating agents

Qualified staff for installation! Many floor coating agents, such as silicone type, glass type, and UV type, use organic solvents. Technicians who apply floor coatings using organic solvents must have the national qualification of "Organic Solvent Work Supervisor" under the Industrial Safety and Health Act. All contractors using organic solvent-based coating agents must ensure that a qualified person provides the installation, as improperly handled solvents can harm both the customerʼs home and health. Note: Some coating agents do not contain specified organic solvents. ・Certified Coating Meister ・Qualification as Organic Solvent Work Supervisor Member of the Japan House Coating. Association (JHCA)! Many floor coating contractors offer long-term warranties, but if the contractor goes out of business, the warranty may become void. Real estate agents who introduce contractors often do not handle follow-ups. In our company, if we go out of business and cannot provide warranty or after-sales maintenance, the Japan House Coating Association (JHCA) will take over the warranty and after-sales services to ensure that customers can continue to feel secure with long-term guarantees. 2 Basically, floor coating and interior option installations do not require a construction business license. Therefore, many companies with low technical skills and knowledge often cause postinstallation problems. The construction business license requires companies to meet certain standards and provide various documents proving their compliance. We have obtained the construction business license to continue being a company that ensures high-quality products and services with superior technology. Feel free to contact us via email, phone, or visit our showroom for consultation. Obtained construction business license! Regular Member of the Japan House Coating Association (JHCA) KEEP IT CLEAN WHILE IT'S CLEAN!

CHOOSING FLOOR COATING It's important to match the flooring with your lifestyle! 3 Comparison Table of Floor Coating Performance The best type of floor coating depends on the type of flooring you use and your lifestyle (such as having small children or pets). The recommended products of floor coating contractors are not necessarily the best for all customers. For instance, if they only handle one or two types of floor coatings, they can only recommend those products. At our company, we inquire about the customer's flooring information, lifestyle, and desired gloss (shine) after finishing. We then help customers choose the most suitable type of floor coating from various options, ensuring that we offer and provide the best floor coating for your home without any failures. ※The evaluation standards are based on third-party verification conducted by our company. ※Actual performance may vary depending on installation conditions and materials, and it does not guarantee the performance. Type Item Ceramic Glass Slip-Resistant for Pets Slip-Resistant Silicone Glass UV Water-based urethane Water-based Wax Durability Wax Requirement Method of Application Abrasion Resistance Anti-Slip Pet Compatibility SIAA Certification Formaldehyde Emission Grade Approx. 30 years Required Natural drying ◎ 〇 ◎ F☆☆☆☆ Approx. 30 years Required UV irradiation ◎ ◎ ◎ F☆☆☆☆ Approx. 20 years Required Natural drying 〇 〇 ◎ F☆☆☆☆ Approx. 20 years Required Natural drying ◎ 〇 〇 F☆☆☆☆ Approx. 20 years Required UV irradiation 〇 〇 ◎ F☆☆☆☆ Approx. 10 years Required Natural drying △ 〇 〇 F☆☆☆☆ Approx. 1 year Coating Hardness Hardness 6H or more 6H or more 6H or more 6H or more 4H 6H or more 6H or more 4H HB B Gloss Level Dense gloss or gloss Dense gloss Glossless (matte) High gloss Dense gloss Dense gloss High gloss High gloss Gloss Medium gloss Work Period 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day Not Required Natural drying Durability ◎ ◎ 〇 〇 〇 △ × Water Resistance ◎ ◎ ◎ 〇 ◎ 〇 × Chemical Resistance ◎ ◎ ◎ 〇 〇 △ × × × × 不 明 × All floor coatings have three SIAA marks certified

Comparison of Floor Coating Slip Resistance ・Ceramic Glass ・Slip-Resistant for Pets ・Glass Slippery 0.9 NonSlip 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 ・UV Comparison of Floor Coating Film Hardness The JIS standard test uses a pencil hardness scale with a maximum value of 6H. Based on this test data, we requested a remeasurement from a company capable of measuring up to 9H under JIS standards, and conducted additional tests for hardness above 6H. The harder the floor coating film, the more resistant it is to scratches. When floor coatings are applied, the gloss increases, leading to inquiries about whether the floor becomes more slippery. However, floor coatings make the flooring less slippery than untreated flooring, making it ideal for slip resistance. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government refer to the Japanese Architectural Society's Coefficient of Slip Resistance(C.S.R value)for guidelines on floor slip resistance. It is very important to ensure slip resistance. The Architectural Institute of Japan recommends a C.S.R value of 0.4 or higher. 4 B HB F H 2H3H4H5H6H7H8H9H Soft Hard ・UV ・Silicone ・Water-based urethane ・Wax ・Ceramic Glass ・Silicone ・Water-based urethane ・Slip-Resistant for Pets ・Wax (C.S.RValue) Slip resistance for humans is expressed by the [C.S.R value], but pets (animals) differ from humans due to their paw pads and fur. Just because it is less slippery for humans does not necessarily mean it is less slippery for pets. Therefore, slip resistance for dogs is expressed by the [C.S.R-D value]. The [C.S.R-D value] stands for [Coefficient of Slip Resistance-Dog], and the higher the value, the less slippery it is. The optimal C.S.R value for slip resistance in humans is 0.4 to 0.7 Slippery 0.9 NonSlip 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 ・Water-based urethane ・Silicone ・Ceramic Glass ・UV ・Slip-Resistant for Pets ・Glass (C.S.R・DʼValue) ・Wax The optimal C.S.R-D value for pet slip resistance is 0.4 to 0.7 ・Glass

FEATURES OF FLOOR COATING Ceramic Glass Floor Coating Slip-Resistant Floor Coating for Pets Silicone Floor Coating Glass Floor Coating UV Floor Coating Water-Based Urethane Floor Coating 5 This next-generation hybrid floor coating combines the advantages and characteristics of both silicone type (water resistance, chemical resistance, slip resistance, gloss) and glass type (abrasion resistance, scratch resistance, matte gloss). It forms a tough and robust ceramic glass coating layer. This floor coating was developed specifically for pets. It has passed the Japan Industrial Standard (JIS) pet evaluation test by a third-party organization. This is the best floor coating for households with pets and for people and pets to live safely and securely. Silicon floor coatings are characterized by excellent water resistance, chemical resistance, and slip resistance. It has a history of more than 20 years as a floor coating agent. After the floor coating is applied, it will have a glossy finish. Glass floor coatings are characterized by excellent abrasion and scratch resistance. It forms the hardest (hardest) coating layer among floor coatings. For customers who do not prefer high gloss (luster), glass floor coatings with low gloss are the best choice. UV floor coating is often misunderstood as a “floor coating that blocks ultraviolet rays” because of its product name, but it is a floor coating that cures the coating resin by irradiating it with ultraviolet rays. After coating, a glossy finish is achieved. Unlike other oil-based floor coatings, this is a water-based type floor coating that uses water-based acrylic urethane resin. Generally, it is equivalent to the types of coatings sold as optional products for condominiums.

SIAA Mark Certified Products Fun ction Certified by the Society of Antimicrobial Product Technology for its high antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. High safety standards have been confirmed. Safety IIt has been confirmed safe enough to be used as a coating agent for tableware and chopsticks. Volatile organic compounds measured Safety Safety confirmed for 13 volatile organic compounds in accordance with Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare guidelines. Stain Resistance Test High antifouling performance It can be written on coated flooring with an oil-based marker, left for 30 minutes, and then removed with nail polish remover. Longlasting antifouling effect Water Resistance Test High water resistance performance Flooring materials are vulnerable to water, but the coating layer effectively protects the flooring from water damage over the long term. Evaluation Tests and Certification by Third-Party Organizations F☆☆☆☆ Certified and registered Safety No restrictions on use under the Building Standards Law, and can be used safely as a finishing material for housing JIS standard test Cleared 30 items Perfor mance Coating performance evaluation has been confirmed by JIS standard performance evaluation test, a Japanese national standard. Measured formaldehyde emission Safety Formaldehyde emission has been confirmed to be below the standard value, making it safe and secure for use. 6 Antibacterial Function Test E. coli is cultured on a coated tray and a noncoated tray. After 24 hours, the E. coli is measured. The tray with the coating shows a significant reduction in E. coli, confirming its high antibacterial performance. 【Immediately after E. coli Inoculation】 After 24 hours 【With Coating】 【Without Coating】 【Without Coating】 Testing Institute Boken Quality Evaluation Institute Test Method: JIS Z 2801 Antimicrobial Test Antibacterial Activity Value: 5.4

Ceramic Glass Floor Coating [ low gloss Type ] A next-generation hybrid floor coating that combines the characteristics of silicone-based (water resistance, chemical resistance, slip resistance, and gloss) and glass-based (abrasion resistance, scratch resistance, and fine gloss) coatings. It forms a tough and robust ceramic glass coating layer on the surface of flooring materials, providing long-term protection for flooring materials that are easily scratched by daily life. one-time coating eliminates the need for periodic waxing. The coating can be applied in a gloss or a low gloss finish, which is not possible with conventional floor coatings. No. 1 Ceramic Glass Floor Coating [ Gloss Type ] 30-Year Warranty No. 1 Scratch Abrasion Water Chemical Stain Flexural Slip Pet floor heating CERAMIC GLASS FLOOR COATING The Power of No.1 Floor Coating! 7

Slip-Resistant Floor Coating for Pets [Matte Finish] This is a floor coating with excellent anti-slip properties developed exclusively for pets. It has passed the JIS evaluation test for pets. For pets, wooden floors are “slippery” and may cause injury, making it difficult to ensure safety and security. This product turns into a non-slip flooring material that is comfortable for both people and pets. It also has antibacterial performance, making the floor hygienic and easy to maintain cleanliness in daily care. The finish after installation will be a matte finish. Slip-Resistant Floor Coating for Pets [Matte Finish] PET SLIP-RESISTANT FLOOR COATING To a flooring material that allows people and pets to live together in peace! 8 30-Year Warranty No. 1 Scratch Abrasion Water Chemical Stain Flexural Slip Pet floor heating

No. 1 Silicon floor coatings have excellent water, chemical, and slip resistance and have been in use for over 20 years. After installation, the finish will have a high gloss finish. It can be applied to many flooring materials. By applying a special primer between the flooring material and the silicone coating layer, the adhesion rate between the flooring material and the silicone coating agent is improved, maximizing the coating performance. No. 1 SILICONE FLOOR COATING 9 GLASS FLOOR COATING Glass floor coatings are characterized by excellent abrasion and scratch resistance and form the hardest coating layer of any floor coating. After application, a low glossy finish is achieved. Applying a primer between the flooring and the hard glass coating layer improves the adhesion rate between the flooring and the glass coating agent, thus maximizing the coating performance. 耐傷性能 耐摩耗性能 耐⽔性能 耐薬品性能 耐防汚性能 耐屈曲性能 防滑性能 ペット対応 床暖房対応 耐傷性能 耐摩耗性能 耐⽔性能 耐薬品性能 耐防汚性能 耐屈曲性能 防滑性能 ペット対応 床暖房対応 20-Year Warranty No. 1 Scratch Abrasion Water Chemical Stain Flexural Slip Pet floor heating 20-Year Warranty No. 1 Scratch Abrasion Water Chemical Stain Flexural Slip Pet floor heating

No. 1 耐傷性能 耐摩耗性能 耐⽔性能 耐薬品性能 UV floor coating is an application method in which a UV-curable floor coating agent is applied to the flooring material and the coating agent is cured by irradiating it with intense UV light using a UV irradiation machine. This technology, which is also used for car paint and piano mirror finish, is applied to floor coatings. The result is a high-gloss finish after application. UV FLOOR COATING 10 WATER-BASED URETHANE FLOOR COATING Unlike floor coatings that use oil-based paint, this is a waterbased floor coating that uses a water-based resin. This type of floor coating agent is generally sold as an option for condominiums. The combination of a special primer and waterbased floor coating resin provides durability and water resistance superior to that of wax. After application, the floor will have a medium-gloss finish. 20-Year Warranty No. 1 Scratch Abrasion Water Chemical Stain Flexural Slip Pet floor heating 10-Year Warranty No. 1 Scratch Abrasion Water Chemical Stain Flexural Slip Pet floor heating

アレル物質が付着し 6時間後には98%以上の 抗アレルゲン効果! アレル物質が付着し 6時間後には98%以上の 抗アレルゲン効果! ALLERGENS ATTACH AND EXHIBIT OVER 98% EFFECTIVENESS IN REDUCING ALLERGENS AFTER 6 HOURS. SURVIVAL RATE OF ALLERGENS DERIVED FROM DUST MITE REMAINS Combination of floor coating agent and special composite technology effectively inhibits and prevents bacteria, viruses, and molds. It contains no environmentally hazardous substances and has been proven to be highly safe by a third-party organization. Its proven functionality has also been recognized by the International Antimicrobial Products Association (SIAA), and it has acquired the SIAA mark, which can only be displayed on products that meet their standards. DECREASE IN SPECIFIC VIRUSES INHIBITION OF MOLD GROWTH Different from antibacterial, antiviral and anti-mold functions Allergen (pollen, mite, etc.) suppression effect! Allercoat type SUPPRESSES BACTERIAL GROWTH Three functionalities: antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-mold FUNCTIONAL FLOOR COATING 11 Not only does it protect against scratches and stains, it also protects against invisible bacteria, viruses, and mold! adhered to the floor coating layer Inhibits bacterial growth and inhibits the growth of bacteria. It can reduce the number of specific viruses and keep clean. By dispersing a completely inorganic fine-particle anti-allergen agent in the floor coating agent, the activity of allergens such as mites and pollen that adhere to the floor coating layer is effectively reduced. The floor coating (AlleruCoat type) functions to reduce the activity of allergens just by applying it. ※THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED FOR THE TREATMENT OR PREVENTION OF DISEASES. ※IT DOES NOT WORK AGAINST ALL BACTERIA, VIRUSES, MOLD SPORES, OR ALLERGENS. adhered to the floor coating layer adhered to the floor coating layer It is effective in inhibiting the growth of certain mold fungi. SURVIVAL RATE OF ALLERGENS DERIVED FROM CEDAR POLLEN SURVIVAL RATE OF ALLERGENS DERIVED FROM DUST MITE REMAINS SURVIVAL RATE OF ALLERGENS DERIVED FROM CEDAR POLLEN INOCULATION 2HOURS 4HOURS 6HOURS SURVIVAL RATE DUE TO ANTI-ALLERGEN EFFECT ALLERGENS ATTACH AND EXHIBIT OVER 98% EFFECTIVENESS IN REDUCING ALLERGENS AFTER 6 HOURS. INOCULATION 2HOURS 4HOURS 6HOURS SURVIVAL RATE DUE TO ANTI-ALLERGEN EFFECT

SIAA Coating Agent Registration Certificate SIAA Coating Surface Registration Certificate Flooring material manufacturers sell functional floor coverings with added antibacterial and antiviral functions, which are used in many homes and stores. However, as stated in each manufacturer's manual, we do not recommend applying waxes or coatings to the surface of these floor coverings. Our floor coating products can be applied to functional flooring materials without compromising their functions. Compatible with Wax-Free Sheet Flooring Materials! 12 Compatible with Flooring Materials with Antibacterial and Antiviral Functions! The surface of sheet flooring types is often made of printed (wood grain) sheets, making them prone to peeling and weak against water. Our floor coating forms a robust layer on the printed sheet processed film surface, providing long-term protection from daily damage and moisture. Additionally, as there is no need for frequent waxing, the general warranty by flooring manufacturers is around 2-3 years, while our floor coating's construction quality warranty extends from 20 to 30 years, making it compatible with wax-free flooring materials. RIGID SHEET PROCESSED FILM, ETC. PLYWOOD MDF OLEFIN-BASED RESIN DECORATIVE SHEET

Confirm Work Area Preparation Work preprocessing Cleaning Work Solvent Cleaning Scratch Repair Finishing Cleaning Primer Application Primer Drying Topcoat Application Topcoat Drying & Inspection Completion of Work & Handover UV Irradiation Pet Coating Wax Removal Furniture Moving Work Scenes ※Electricity and water are used during the cleaning work at the time of construction. ※Please complete the procedures for starting the use of electricity and water by the construction date. FLOOR COATING WORK PROCESS 13 NOTE: THE WORK PROCEDURE AND METHOD MAY VARY DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF FLOORING AND FLOOR COATING.

Floor surfaces after floor coating application can be easily and hygienically maintained by removing dust and dirt with a dry paper or mop and wiping with a tightly wrung cloth without using detergent. For stubborn dirt or sticky residue that cannot be removed by wiping with water or dry cloth alone, use a diluted neutral detergent (diluted 5 to 10 times) and clean in the following order: detergent wipe, water wipe, dry cloth. Be sure to remove the detergent component completely after use. Avoid using sticky cleaning tools. When using a vacuum cleaner, lift the vacuum cleaner and gently place the suction nozzle on the floor surface. Floor Coating Construction Quality Assurance ・The sheen will vary depending on the flooring material and color. ・Installation time may vary depending on temperature and humidity. ・Durability and gloss may vary depending on usage conditions. ・Existing scratches and stains cannot be completely repaired or removed. ・There may be a difference in color between the repaired area and its surrounding area before and after repair work. ・If repairs are necessary after installation, the flooring will be partially repaired. ・If food or chemicals are spilled on the floor, the stain may remain if left for a long time. ・We recommend the use of felt pads on the bottoms of chairs and tables. ・The floor coating does not completely protect against scratches and stains. ・We may not be able to cover scratches or stains declared after delivery. ・Dropping sharp or heavy objects or dragging furniture may cause scratches or dents directly on the flooring. 14 Precautions for Floor Coating How to Care for Floor Coating After Construction ●Ceramic Glass Type ●Non-slip for Pets Type ●UV Type ●Glass Type ●Silicon Type ●Water-based Urethane Type Free Warranty Coverage ・If issues arise due to construction ・if dust or dirt gets mixed in during construction ・if poor adhesion between flooring and coating material ・if unevenness of application or leftover paint at the time of installation ・If peeling occurs due to daily cleaning like water wiping ・If in the event of negligence on our part during the work Exclusions from Free waranty ・If repairs or modifications are done by someone other than our company ・Damage or breakage due to natural disasters ・Damage caused by remodeling or regular inspections ・Damage or breakage due to misuse or intentional damage ・Items difficult to repair after construction ・Color differences occurring in the repaired areas ・Damage caused by usage, aging, physical, or chemical factors ・If adhesive substances like glue or tape are attached ・Damaged due to customer's negligence ※Other regulations than the above are in accordance with the company's internal regulations. 30-Year Warranty 20-Year Warranty 10-Year Warranty

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate By applying it with a special spray gun, titanium phosphate-derived nanoparticles accumulate on the substrate surface. During application, the radical reaction primarily decomposes odor components or physically destroys bacteria and viruses on the surface of the accumulated nanoparticles. The treated surface is believed to exhibit high activity with a large surface area due to the abundant presence of nanoparticles. "Air Clean Coating" is an innovative functional coating where "titanium tetrachloride" reacts with phosphoric acid to produce "titanium phosphate." "Titanium phosphate" is believed to initiate catalytic reactions (redox actions) by incorporating water molecules present in the air. It exhibits excellent properties and effects such as [antibacterial], [antiviral], [deodorizing], [decomposing harmful substances], and [anti-allergen], not only in places where light energy reaches but also in completely dark places with no light energy. Its functionality and safety have been demonstrated by evaluation tests conducted by third-party organizations. The main component, "titanium phosphate," undergoes stringent quality control from manufacturing (ISO9001 certified), and even the handling qualifications (meister system) are established for the equipment and methods of application, ensuring reliable MADE IN JAPAN quality and technology in the functional coating agent. ※There are also types that enhance antifungal functionality and hydrophilic antifouling functionality. AIR CLEAN COATING 15 Mechanism of Air Clean Coating By applying with a special spray gun to various materials, nano-sized particles accumulate on the surface. These particles adhere strongly to the material surface, ensuring a stable effect lasting for years without the need for a binder. DURABILITY TESTING① DURABILITY TESTING② CONSTRUCTION SCENE Effects remain the same after 50 washes. 1Does not peel even after 100 abrasion tests. (Testing Agency) Boken Quality Evaluation Institute (Testing Agency) Japan Paint Inspection Institute Adhering to the substrate High Bonding Odor components Bacteria/Viruses Drying Decomposition Purification ※The illustration is an image. Radical

細 菌 A 細 菌 B 0 5 10 15 20 細 菌 A 細 菌 B 0 5 10 15 20 ノンエンベロープウイルス 0 20 40 60 80 100 エンベロープウイルス 0 20 40 60 80 100 Deodorization, decomposition of harmful substances アンモニア 酢 酸 ホルムアルデヒド イ ソ 吉 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 アンモニア 酢 酸 0 20 40 60 80 85 PPM REDUCTION RATE REDUCTION RATE REDUCTION RATE REDUCTION RATE REDUCTION RATE 69 99 99 8.1万 Comparison with Photocatalyst Specialized Antifungal Function Type Specialized Hydrophilic Antifouling Function Type SIAA Certified for Antibacterial and Antiviral 16 Simply Spray and Apply to Ceilings, Walls, and Furniture to Enhance Living Spaces 1.2万 1.2万 1.8万 100 PPM 30 PPM 15 PPM 38 PPM 1PPM 2.1PPM 0.75PPM 9.88PPM 99 93 95 74 BACTERIAL TEST FOR FOOD POISONING CAUSES VIRUS REDUCTION EFFECT EVALUATION TEST 50 PPM 39 PPM 97 2.2 PPM P H O T O C A T A L Y S T A I R C L E A N 1.2万 1.2万 Made mainly from inorganic materials, which are more durable than organic materials, they are highly resistant to ultraviolet rays and heat, maintaining longterm hydrophilic antifouling effects. Applying this coating to places prone to mold growth such as walls, floors, and storage interiors suppresses mold growth, preventing health damage and building deterioration caused by mold. Antibacterial Antiviral Deodorizing BACTERIA A BACTERIA B BACTERIA A BACTERIA B ENVELOPED VIRUS NON-ENVELOPED VIRUS REDUCTION RATE AMMONIA ACETIC ACID FORMALDEHYDE ISOOCTANE AMMONIA ACETIC ACID P H O T O C A T A L Y S T A I R C L E A N

17 MOLD-RESISTANT COATING STAIN-RESISTANT COATING Mold and other microorganisms can develop and grow on various materials, causing various damages to homes and human health. Mold in the home not only spoils its appearance but is also a major health hazard! Ignored mold can lead to infections. Mold-resistant coating uses a newly formulated coating agent that does not contain harmful components to prevent mold from developing in any area. It helps protect the beauty of your home and prevent infections. BATHROOM DRESSING ROOM 浴室 TOILET KITCHEN CLOSET STORAGE SHOE RACK STORAGE Harsh cleaning to remove water stains and other dirt not only damages the material but also makes it easier for dirt to reattach. The stain-resistant coating makes it easier to cleanly remove dirt by applying a stain-resistant treatment to the material. Additionally, the stainresistant coating layer reduces the adhesion of soap scum, water stains, and scale (calcium deposits), making daily cleaning easier. BATHTUB BATHROOM 浴室 WASHBASIN TOILET KITCHEN WATER FIXTURES FITTINGS WINDOW GLASS BEFORE MOLD SPORES TAKE ROOT! THOROUGH COATING INSIDE THE BATHTUB APRON THOROUGH COATING ON RUBBER SEALS THOROUGH COATING ON FAUCETS AND WATER FIXTURES THOROUGH COATING ON GREASE-STAINED AREAS EASIER TO REMOVE STAINS!

WALLCOVERING COATING 18 STONE COATING Cloth Coating has an antistatic effect, making it difficult for dust and dirt to adhere to the cloth, and it is effective in preventing black stains on the backs of TVs, refrigerators, and other electrical appliances. In addition, ultra-fine silicone resin particles form a silicone coating film on the cloth surface, making it difficult for dust, oil fumes, and other stains to adhere to the cloth and keeping it white and clean for a long period of time. WALL WALLCOVERING CEILING WALLCOVERING 浴室 LIVING ROOM KITCHEN WESTERN ROOM TOILET ENTRANCE VENT Many natural stones and artificial marble (terrazzo) made from crushed marble resin and cement are absorbent, constantly absorbing water and moisture and releasing it with temperature changes. Porous tile materials have many tiny holes, making them prone to dirt penetration. By using a coating agent that matches the material and does not hinder its breathability, it effectively guards against stains and dirt. KITCHEN BATHROOM 浴室 WASHBASIN TOILET CORRIDOR MARBLE TILE ENTRANCE WALLCOVERING STAINS CAN BE WIPED WITH WATER! CEILING WALLPAPER ALSO COATED SIDE WALLPAPER ALSO COATED BEFORE STAINS PENETRATE! THOROUGH COATING ON MARBLE THOROUGH COATING ON TILES (MARBLE, TILE)

JAPANESE-STYLE ROOM COATING WHITE WOOD COATING BINCHOTAN CHARCOAL SHEET White wood, which enhances the elegance and dignity of Japanese-style rooms, can quickly dull due to ultraviolet rays and fine invisible dirt and grime. Using a coating agent specifically developed for white wood, it protects against ultraviolet rays and makes dirt less likely to stick, making it easier to wipe off any adhered dirt with water. 19 VENTILATION FAN FILTER Ventilation fans are complex in construction and are difficult to clean once dirty. The ventilation fan filter fits perfectly as a replacement for the existing wire mesh and keeps the inside of the ventilation fan clean by protecting it from oily smoke and sticky residue. Replacing the ventilation fan filter is a one-touch operation, making it easy for anyone to keep it clean. When humidity is high, it absorbs moisture, and when humidity is low, it releases moisture to regulate indoor humidity. It is especially suitable for under tatami mats and inside storage areas where moisture tends to accumulate, such as in concrete-floored condominiums. Binchotan's effect lasts for a long period of time. PERFECTLY SIZED FOR YOUR RANGE HOOD! SIMPLY REPLACE THE WIRE MESH WITH A DEDICATED FILTER FILTERS CAN BE USED FOR 1 TO 3 MONTHS EASILYREPLACEABLE

You can choose from a wide variety of options to suit your aesthetic and purpose. Balconies can be special places for activities such as gardening, children's pool play, reading in a cafélike atmosphere, and more. Additionally, during summer, the heat reflected from balconies and the sun can raise temperatures, causing summer plant wilt and balcony deterioration. Balcony tiles, with their water retention function, can effectively create a heat island effect, keeping the area cool simply by watering every two hours, making them ideal for preventing plant wilt from summer heat and perfect for gardening. In recent years, the methods of burglars have evolved, with data showing that more than 70% of break-ins involve breaking glass. Window glass film, when applied to the entire interior surface of a window, makes the glass unbreakable and prevents secondary disasters (shattering prevention) during earthquakes. It also blocks more than 99% of ultraviolet rays and prevents fading of furniture, wallpaper, flooring, etc. The security film type has passed ※the security performance test and obtained the CP mark.. WINDOW GLASS FILM 20 BALCONY TILES CUTS 99% OF UV RAYS! SHATTER PREVENTION EFFECT UV CUT SECURITY MEASURES STYLISH BALCONY!

21 ECOCARAT ・ENTRANCE MIRROR An interior wall material made by firing raw materials with microscopic pores, such as clay minerals. The microscopic pores in Ecocarat Plus reduce humidity when humidity is high and release moisture when humidity is low to add humidity. In addition, it reduces unpleasant odors such as formaldehyde and ammonia. Eco-Karat Plus is an upgraded version of the existing EcoKarat series, offering enhanced humidity control, air purification, and maintenance performance. + TO A LUXURIOUS LIVING SPACE! UPGRADE WITH MIRRORS! In addition to the practical use of checking your appearance, mirrors are a convenient item that also provide lighting effects through light reflection. Enhance your stylish living space with mirrors and Ecocarat. JUST THE RIGHT HUMIDITY A LUXURY LESS ODOR MORE COMFORT PEACE OF MIND PROTECTED FROM HARMFUL SUBSTANCES CLEANLINESS THAT LASTS, BRINGING SATISFACTION

EXTERIOR 22 INTERIOR WORK Protects your car from external factors such as ultraviolet rays, rain, and wind, which can cause deterioration. CARPORT Protects the terrace from rain and wind, providing space for hanging laundry and growing plants. TERRACE Not only prevents window glass from breaking but also serves as a powerful security measure. SHUTTER Used as a sunshade, rain cover, and privacy screen, ensuring a comfortable balcony space. AWNING Available in various shapes, providing security, privacy protection, and sunshade effects. LATTICE Available in various styles, from readymade products from various manufacturers to custom-made. CUPBOARD・DISH SHELF Install storage shelves in the dead space of washrooms and toilets to make effective use of space. CUSTOM FURNITURE We propose high-quality models from various manufacturers tailored to your room layout and size. AIR CONDITIONER Stylishly store clothes and hats in preferred locations such as the entrance or western-style rooms. INDOOR CLOTHESLINE From Yagi antennas to design antennas, boosters, and BS antennas, we can handle them all. ANTENNA