
Qualified staff for installation! Many floor coating agents, such as silicone type, glass type, and UV type, use organic solvents. Technicians who apply floor coatings using organic solvents must have the national qualification of "Organic Solvent Work Supervisor" under the Industrial Safety and Health Act. All contractors using organic solvent-based coating agents must ensure that a qualified person provides the installation, as improperly handled solvents can harm both the customerʼs home and health. Note: Some coating agents do not contain specified organic solvents. ・Certified Coating Meister ・Qualification as Organic Solvent Work Supervisor Member of the Japan House Coating. Association (JHCA)! Many floor coating contractors offer long-term warranties, but if the contractor goes out of business, the warranty may become void. Real estate agents who introduce contractors often do not handle follow-ups. In our company, if we go out of business and cannot provide warranty or after-sales maintenance, the Japan House Coating Association (JHCA) will take over the warranty and after-sales services to ensure that customers can continue to feel secure with long-term guarantees. 2 Basically, floor coating and interior option installations do not require a construction business license. Therefore, many companies with low technical skills and knowledge often cause postinstallation problems. The construction business license requires companies to meet certain standards and provide various documents proving their compliance. We have obtained the construction business license to continue being a company that ensures high-quality products and services with superior technology. Feel free to contact us via email, phone, or visit our showroom for consultation. Obtained construction business license! Regular Member of the Japan House Coating Association (JHCA) KEEP IT CLEAN WHILE IT'S CLEAN!